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6 tiny problems that your inner control freak will recognise

These things can make you just a little bit edgy.

ALRIGHT, SO YOU aren’t as laid back as most people. Tiny things bother you a whole lot more than they would the average Joe.

Your friends can’t get their heads around it. They may even say that you’re a little bit obsessive. True, the things that bother you are only little things, but you can’t help wanting to sort them out immediately.

No, you won’t ‘just relax’, GOD.

Phone notifications

Your home screen must be free of clutter at all times. Your apps are neatly grouped in categories, and any notifications are dealt with as soon as possible. Hands up if this image makes you feel a little bit sick.

notifications Source: DadIsLearning.com

Nothing is more pleasing than seeing your perfect screen unblemished by those red notification badges.

The dishwasher beeping

This entry can also include wider household beeps and blips – but the dishwasher announcing that it has finished its work is probably one of the most irritating sounds out there.

dishwasher Source: Flickr/Ben Sutherland

It’s not very loud, but your constantly alert ears will seek it out and torture you with it until you go to switch it off.

Television left on

It’s bad enough leaving Fair City or Ant and Dec blaring. But when it’s been left on AV and the screen is blank, and you can still hear that weird high-pitched squeal of the machine working…

tvon Source: Flickr/Sam DeLong

Nope. Off.

Hairs on your own/someone else’s clothing

Say you’re somewhere public, like a meeting or Mass. The person in front of you has hairs all over the back of their coat.

You want to pluck them off, don’t you? Yes you do.

lintroller Source: Shutterstock

Your own coat is hairless, by the way. You could never wear it in that state.

Electronics constantly plugged in

That guy in work who always leaves his phone charger plugged in, even when it’s not in use – WHY? Does he not know he’s wasting electricity?!

At home you have to go around plugging out the kettle and the microwave and the laptop and everything electronic you can find before heading to bed.

At Christmas, leaving the tree lights plugged in makes you feel uneasy.

plugs Source: Flickr/Gordon Wrigley

The toilet fan whirring

Your housemate has finished with the bathroom, but left the fan going 90 after them. It seems innocuous at first, but slowly the whirring sound drills deeper and deeper into your brain.

You will lie there until you can’t possibly take it any more, before stomping out to switch it off.

toilet fan Source: Flickr/N1NJ4

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